Sunday, July 28, 2024

Back to Italy for an Artist Residency

I've recently returned from Italy where I was attending a conference on shamanism and exploring the archaeological site of the sanctuary of the Roman goddess Diana, as well as looking at all the archaeological and historical museums in Rome. And I'm going back again in October! I'm super excited that I have been selected to participate in the artist residency at DOMUS in the town of Galatina, southern Italy. My artistic project is titled “The Theatre of Spirits: Trance Performances and Séance Phenomena in the Australian Spiritualist Movement, 1870 – 1950.” I will also be researching folkloric and environmental aspects of the Salento region such as the Tarantism phenomenon in which (mainly) women were allegedly bitten by the tarantula and became possessed; and the ecological problem of the death of olive trees affected by rapid desiccation, CoDiRo, due to the proliferation of the Xylella Fastidiosa bacterium which started to afflict the trees in 2013. THis is going to be great!


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