As some of you know, I am doing a PhD in Aegean Archaeology, specialising in sacred trees and gardens. I am wondering whether anyone would be interested in participating in a tree and baetyl cult experiment at some stage (in the next year, in Australia), possibly at Mt Franklin (not necessarily at the time of the Beltane celebration), or another rural (or even urban) site altogether, in order to assess the bodily and cognitive effects of tree and baetyl cult? I probably should not give too much away and prejudice the experiment, but as brief background, the idea is that these natural objects, the tree, the baetyl (rock), are numinous and that ritual interaction therewith caused a certain effect - communication with the Otherworld, divination, prophecy. While I'm primarily looking at Minoan tree cult (that's Minoan Crete, as well as Mycenaean Greece, with comparative material from Cyprus and Israel), you might be more familiar with the biblical examples of the Asherah, both a tree and a goddess, and the Beth El (Beth = house, El = God : baetyl) the stone that Jacob used as a pillow, subsequently had a communication with G*d through a dream while lying upon, and then set up as a massevoth (sacred stone). In Israel tree and pillar cult were enacted at bamot (high places) in the landscape. I need to enact tree cult with some other people, and record the effects. I'm just putting this idea out there. I have previously participated in (someone else's) experimentation with Minoan gestures known from cultic imagery and figurines along with 'sonic driving' by the shaking of a sistrum, and whether this caused or aided trance, and that was a very interesting experiment.
It sounds really interesting, Caroline. Please keep me updated as to where and when you're thinking of doing it.
This sounds extremely interesting. Yes, please keep us posted.
I'm so wishing that I lived in Australia. It sounds really interesting and I can't wait to hear more.
I'm doing tradition-free trance work within boulder/tree setting every day. There are a lot of megalithic sites there crustal rock is exposed, and very similar dolmen-like structures were built in Canada, Scandinavia, Arabian and Indian subcontinents. I only recently shifted my search for cultural references to historical times, and really omphalos/baetyl stones are obvious finds. I try to refrain from abstract interpretation of my sensory experience, though. What I found is reproducible lights arrangement in peripheral vision. These are site-specific, but over the course of trance the lights can move. You can contact me directly via email if you are interested in detailed accounts.
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