Today, which happens to be
Aleister Crowley's birthday (happy Birthday AC, you'd be 135 today if you were still alive!), I received the joyous news that my article "Walk Like An Egyptian: Egypt as authority in Aleister Crowley's reception of
The Book of the Law", has been accepted by an academic journal -
Pomegranate: International Journal of Pagan Studies. Now, I'm thrilled about that because I worked hard on it... and also bemused, as several 'synchonistic' things have been happening during the process of preparing the piece for submission - nothing dramatic, but noticable... Firstly, while I was working on it I got an email from a magickal order dedicated to Crowley's works (which shall remain nameless, as I'm sure they'd prefer) and which, while I have been a member thereof on and off, am currently 'inactive' within and so we tend not to talk; secondly, the person who introduced me to Crowley, Thelema, and Magick in general, and who I haven't spoken to for way over a decade contacted me... and thirdly of course, is that the article was accepted on Crowley's birthday. Synchronicity? Who cares, as long as people read my article! Stay tuned for actual publication, after which I will post the abstract and links for university library and/or subscriber access.
Congratulations on getting your article accepted. Looking forward to reading it!
Thanks! Not sure when its coming out... a couple of weeks maybe?
And still more Thelemic things are happening as this article goes to press - I should say, Thelemic-related people from my past are popping up. Mystery of Mysteries... (Or is it just synchronicity?)
I love it when that happens - it makes me feel like I'm on the right track.
On a totally different note - I've just started reading 'Ancient Mystery Cults' by Walter Burkert. Have you read this? If so - what are your thoughts?
Yes, I have read it, well, not all of it, I own it but haven't read it cover to cover. It comes from lectures, doesn't it? I like Walter Burkert, have you seen his 'Greek Religion'? That's good too... as is 'Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual'. I just looked at 'Ancient Mystery Cults' and can't remember anything about it... which probably means I should read it again! I'm currently on a bender about Roman gardens though...
I've just about finished Mystery Cults and really enjoyed it. I absolutely loved the quote from Proclus that ends the final lecture - so tantalizing. Thanks for the heads up about those two other works. I'll check them out.
Are you so sure that all of this is synchronistic? Perhaps there are those people out there who keep an eye on these things. You just never know. Think not to find them in the forest...
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