Thursday, November 11, 2010

Major Nostalgia

Ever since my article on the reception of The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley got accepted by The Pomegranate (in press), I've been haunted by My Past just "appearing". This has led me to re-visit that past, which is weird, as I usually cut the past off with a guillotine blade... I don't usually look back at it. There are simply heaps of people I used to hang out intensively with that I now don't. Anyway, I have followed it up and come across my very first magickal instructor, various past friends (some of whom are still friends) and weird ancient memories from when I lived in the country, particularly 1987 at Mount Franklin. Why is this so weird... Can't I have a past? I guess I have such intense experiences with people - whether lovers or close friends - we tend to "break up" quite dramatically, so to see or hear from them again is surprising, but it probably shouldn't be. Anyway, I've gone through some of my past photo albums, three pics from which are shown here: Me and pals at Mount Franklin; me, MJ and DGM somewhere in Central Victoria where we used to live; and me with herbalist-witch David O'Connor, he and I shared a flat for about a year. I suppose I've been such an antisocial hermit for the last decade... Hmm, maybe I should re-think that.


  1. Where did you get that photo? It looks like the top of the Guildford Plateau. Weren't we so young? Where did the years go?

  2. Aaaarrrggghh!!!!!! There you are again! This is why I am *freaking out*. I've been thinking "Gosh, why _haven't_ I talked to him more than once in over 20 years??????? And I can't really think why. It's all just weird. It's weirding me out...But not in a bad way. Oh, and I've got lots more photos where _that_ came from!

  3. You know... I really never wanted to leave the country and go back to the city, I _really liked_ it there in the country...and how healthy were we? Catching rabbits, fish, collecting eggs, growing vegies. Only problem was renting a house rather than owning it - I freaking HATE renting (but unfortunately still rent). Glad I went back to the city for 'sophistication purposes', can't imagine what kind of hick I'd be now if I stayed there (not saying that country people are hicks, but living up there *can* make you one), but you can't beat the country with its bigger blocks for making an Eden. Although I hear that northern NSW is more Edenic... though I bet their spiders are worse, and they have ticks! I still kinda fantasise about living in the country... Shouldn't be such a romantic, it's not all veggie patches and day dreaming - just like the city there are crazy intricate social situations going on. I think I saw MJ on the tram about a year ago, I just glared at him as if to say "Where is my gas ring and my pots????" Oh, I don't forget about kitcheny things like that! I didn't actually talk to him though, wasn't entirely sure it was him, think it was though.

  4. Hah, your expression in the last photo is awesome.
