Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Strange Days have found us...

I swiped this photo from Facebook because I thought it was so unusual. What's going on here? Does anyone know the history of this photo? Is it a real event? Anyway, despite its rather destructive imagery, I rather like its composition...


  1. The mushroom cloud is a picture of "Joe-1", the first Soviet atomic test. I'm assuming the... witch? was photoshopped in for effect, probably to go along with a creepy story.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Interesting Pallas!I see an abstract connection with Babalon with this because of Crowley and Montauk.Also Jack Parsons and missiles,rockets,and bombs.The tall hat is symbolic of the "Hierophant" and the "Tower" card according to The Book of Thoth and The Book Of the Law.Observe these symbols according to the New Aeon...

  4. There seems to have been a comment removed there... I have no idea who that was. Hmmm, indeed, Jack Parsons certainly was familiar with rocketry, a little too familiar some might say, seeing as he blew himself up. I guess it fitted in well with his rather S & M interpretation of Babalon that you can see in his channelled "Book of Babalon".

  5. I love your sharp wit Caroline and your humor.Thanks.
