Friday, August 20, 2010

Who has time to blog?

Who has time to actually blog? Not me. I often think of things to blog about when I'm in bed - the computer is turned off and I'm not planning to get up again until the morning. Then I forget what they were. Recently I was thinking of topics like 'How short people are evil (under the guise of cuteness) and tall people get the blame for everything', 'How institutionalised learning (university) is privileged over DIY study from both inside and outside the university and how annoying that is/can be', and 'How I hate people in my street who cut down trees (why don't they cut themseves down?)'. But those topics are really rants - well not the short people one. That's a fact. I have come across some amazing blogs though, by people who obviously do have time to blog. I'll show them to you, so you don't get bored when you visit my hardly-ever-updated blog. There's arty archaeologist Michael Shanks, with its downlaodable books and interesting pics and links, Egil Asprems' Heterodoxlolgy, British Mage, Jake Stratton-Kent's Underworld Apocathery, Jim West's Zwinglius Redivivus, there's effort gone in there... Neurologica, Epiphenom, Mary Beard's blog (she'd get paid for doing that), the incredibly prolific The Wild Hunt, and there's the fabulous Morbid Anatomy. So, people do have time to blog, some blog a lot and I assume people read their blogs. One day I'll have time to blog again. I'm sure I will.


  1. My blog is so boring no one's even commenting.

  2. Well at least *someone* has looked at my blog. I feel a lot of pressure to be entertaining here, in bloggsville... Lots of people write tons of stuff on their blog... I will get back to doing so when I have time.

  3. Hope you get back to it soon, Caroline! Your blog's great :)

  4. Thanks Feronia! Now I think _you_ are great!

    Actually... I know exactly what I'm going to blog on next... I just need a space of time in which to do it. I think I might be able to do it this week even. I just have to keep off Facebook. That's my main problem with blogging I think, the short, quick shout-outs on Facebook that I do. I waste my time there and don't blog because I've run out of time. But I have a topic now,..... and I'll get on to it.

  5. BTW, I sent you a 'friend' request on Facebook this morning...just in case you're wondering who Emily is! :)

  6. I'm always checking your blog - just so ya know. I might not comment too much but I check it a couple of times a week. Don't stop!
