Sunday, March 8, 2009


Ectoplasm collages interspersed by photographs of mediums exuding ectoplasm. Collages made by me during a Ruth Hadlow artists' book workshop. Inspired in the first place by Marina Warner announcing several years ago that she was going to write a book on ectoplasm, but I don't think she has done so yet.


  1. I'm not really sure about that last one, the red one... but I made it at the same time as the others so I put it in there. I wanted to make the red stuff (actually interesting silk paper) into something tongue-like, but I didn't seem to have any good heads in which to insert it, so now its like a red-riding-hood-kundalini-fluff-hat.

  2. Hi,

    thanks for these images. They really are evocative and resonant with the whole phenonmenon and very cool.


  3. Interestingly and vibrantly evocative images. Pleasure to have found your home on the web.

    All the Best!,
    Jordan Hoggard

  4. These are rather fascinating. I found my way to your blog through the Facebook. So nicely done.

  5. Thanks for your nice comments. Very encourgaing. Indeed, Spiritualism is an interesting subject.

  6. (The Marina Warner book is called Phantasmagoria)

  7. Interesting, "Anonymous." I've never heard anyone say they don't believe in Art before. lol
