Friday, May 2, 2008

Roman Holiday

Who feels like a Roman holiday? ME, that's who. I've just spent ages writing an essay on 'mola salsa' a floury, purificatory substance made out of salted spelt by the Vestal Virgins for use in animal sacrifice. I also covered 'suffimen' also floury, but made from the ashes of calf foetuses torn from sacrificed cows at the Fordicidia and mixed with ashes of the tail of the October Horse. This research has proven to be another confirmation that ancient pagan religions are *nothing like* modern ones - not even Reconstructionism really, as so many aspects are omitted.

1 comment:

  1. "This research has proven to be another confirmation that ancient pagan religions are *nothing like* modern ones - not even Reconstructionism really, as so many aspects are omitted."

    You can always say more if you want to...

    Ritual goods that wouldn't be available to a modern practitioner don't seem to raise any fundamental questions. Even if we had Doctor Who send us a well-educated Roman to tell us the right way to act, speak and be, you can only do what's possible.

    So, what else do you have in mind?
