Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I'm on long service leave!

Hooray, after ten years of slogging it out as a professional craftsperson I've finally earned my long service leave! My craft is difficult, hence I need a real break to rest my body and refresh my mind. During my LSL I will be starting my Post Graduate Diploma in Classics and Archaeology at Melbourne Uni. I have to do five subjects and one 12,000 word thesis. I'm starting off with two subjects: Current Issues in Aegean Archaeology and The Epic Cycle and Homeric Hymns. Should be great. My major interests are gender and religion, often in combination, and I can explore both these areas within these subjects. Oh, I'll also be sitting in on the Roman Religion subject in preparation for taking it next year. I start next week. Wooo. (Yes, I am a nerd who loves study!)


  1. Congratulations by your Blog!!!, very interesting! It wanted that if to have more information respect to your magical work. There is no electronic direction where to write you... Congratulations by your diploma, ups! (it excuses my English) Leahalostrael. Chile.


  2. So you're relaxing after ten years of hard slog... with some postgrad coursework and a 12,000 word thesis.

    Nah, I can't even act surprised. :-)



  3. Good for you. Take a breather, but do stay in touch. I'm still waiting for the chance to show you around our part of the world, since yours was so lovely and hospitable the two times I was there. (Fremantle has to be the friendliest town I've ever visited) At any rate, I'd love to take you to *your* coffee house and show you Mt Rainier.


  4. Aw, aren't you guys nice to say such nice things to me. Of course I'll still be in touch during my 'relaxation' time.
