Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Melbourne General Cemetery's Trees

Has anyone noticed how the pine trees around the periphery of the Melbourne General Cemetery have been being chopped down over the last year or so? I have, so I decided to email the cemetery asking why. (I assumed it was because of the drought we've been having). According to Gina Webling, the Memorial Sales Consultant, the trees along the Lygon street fence line have been removed because "the roots were damaging the monuments and graves, part of the some of the trees were dying off and branches were breaking and falling on the existing monuments. Each tree that has been removed will be replaced with the same type tree, this is a slow process as they are preparing the soil." So that's good - I mean that they are going to plant more trees there. Here are two pics I took recently at the cemetery, but in an area that does have trees. The top one is a very child-like angel under a peppercorn tree, and the other one was an attempt to get an image of the use of Cypresses in the cemetery, a traditional tree of mourning.

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