Scorpius rising in the eastern night sky followed, as the season progresses, by Ophichus herald winter, and towards the southeast, Saggitarius returns to complete the star-cycle of the year. In southern Australia, the weather really begins to cool down, birds fly north, and fungi emerges from the forest floor. However, it is a fertile season: there are many flowering and fruiting plants, quolls breed, the dingo mating continues, and whales migrate along the coast to calve and mate. In the north, it is the end of the wet and the start of the dry season; the rains are diminished, the days are hot, but the nights are cool. The land is covered in long grass and in some areas the indigenous 'firestick farming' method of burning the grass begins. At this time goannas mate, the eggs of magpie geese hatch and many other birds begin nesting. As May progresses into June, the cold season approaches and it is the start of the great harvest of bush vegetables.
Meditation: Mysterious fungi sprout above the earth's surface in faerie rings while the greater part of their plant-body remains beneath the ground. These portals to the Underworld beckon to us: mushroom doorways leading to secret passages within our consciousness. This liminal season stands between the old year and the new; it is a time to traverse the otherworlds, greet the dead and divine the future. Enter the dark tranquility and explore the mind's labyrinth.
Samhain: The altar is draped with a cloth the colour of midnight and covered with numerous candles. 'One light for each Spirit here with me tonight,' whispers the Witch. Magic mushrooms steep in a goblet of wine and a crystal ball rests on a nearby black cushion. Sipping from the concoction she stares fixedly at the orb and as it begins to cloud over, utters a greeting to her ancestors.
Yep... somehow I missed an entry for the Autumn Equinox - must have been when I was so flat out busy that I couldn't even read my email digests!
Actually, I spent the 1st of May at the Archaeology and Narration Conference: http://archaeologyandnarration.blogspot.com/
Since Samhain my son has suddenly developed a passion for walking around the parks in our area and seeking out different forms of mushrooms and other fungi. It has been an amazing journey with him.
Greetings Caroline, we worked on "Shadowplay" many moons ago. ... arannos (hawkeye)
Hi Anaria, that's cute about your son and mushrooms... watch out for poisonous ones though. Hi Arannos, yes, good old Shadowplay Magazine !!! http://www.shadowplayzine.com/contents.htm
So glad you are here!!
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Hope all is well!
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