Some pics from the dig at Gath. First, me digging, second me and sometime controversial archaeologist, Israel Finkelstein, and last a group pic of the Australian team for 2010. Check out this pot I excavated here. I haven't dug up an Ashdoda figurine however, but I have dug up a lot of sherdy floor. Hm, I wonder who it is that Aren Maeir on the Gath blog is talking about in regards to being excited about Finkelstein's visit? Could it be me the shameless groupie?
even in the dirt, glamourous as always
Thanks Anonymous Leonie! Sadly, my hair now looks like a befouled bird's nest.
see I told you ,you have too many friends, you dont even know your leonies from your leonies!xx
You really should come home now - your mother needs you!
My "mother" needs me? I don't think that's accurate!
Great update and pics - very cool pot. Here's to hoping that you find an Ashdoda!!
I think that your mother is quite well.
She has Chicco to help her
Who is this anonymous mother-mentioner commenting on my blog? Show yourself!
I'm actually excavating a bone in that top pic. Apparently there is a photo somewhere of me excavating a big pot, but I don't have it.
Reason #1 why I rejected archaeology: I have no patience for sitting in the dirt going "skritch skritch skritch." Would much rather sit in a comfy chair and theorize--or be moving around out of doors! But I am glad that you can do it and enjoy it.
But Chas, isn't the prospect of meeting sexy celebrity archaeologists tempting enough for you?
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